Join a free webinar and learn how you can use the Ontario Common Assessment of Need (OCAN) to inform the services you deliver.
Date: May 28, 2015
Time: 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm (EST) OCAN is the provincial standardized assessment tool for the community mental health sector. This tool supports a consumer-driven approach and focuses conversations on needs, strengths, and the development of a recovery plan.
In this webinar you will:
- Learn about OCAN and how it can be used to inform service delivery and planning decisions;
- Connect with other OCAN stakeholders as we launch a community of practice;
- Share your suggestions for future OCAN webinar topics.
Who should attend?
Stakeholders of community mental health services using OCAN or interested in learning more about OCAN.
The presenters:
Ru Tauro, Executive Director, Oak Centre Clubhouse, Co-Chair, Interim Provincial Steering Committee for OCAN, Welland, ON.
Gord Singer, Peer Support Specialist, FOCUS St. Michael’s/Cota Community Mental Health, Toronto, ON.
Kim Lewis, Clinical Coordinator, Flexible Supports Program, Canadian Mental Health Association, York Region and South Simcoe, Aurora, ON.
Anna Durbin, Research Associate, Canadian Mental Health Association, Toronto, ON.
For more information about this event go to the EENet website.