Are you an individual with lived experience of mental illness? A caregiver, friend or family member of someone experiencing mental illness? The Enabling Minds project is working towards reducing barriers for people with mental health-related disabilities, so they can participate in physical activity programs offered by recreation and fitness organizations. Towards that goal, Enabling Minds has developed a short survey that will inform their efforts in understanding the barriers that prevent access to such programs at community centres, private fitness clubs, public parks, schools, sports clubs and other organizations.
They want to hear from:
- Individuals with lived experience of mental illness;
- Caregivers, friends and family members of people experiencing mental health issues;
- Individuals and organizations that provide sport, fitness or recreation services (including employers and managers, fitness instructors, occupational therapists, frontline staff, membership coordinators, and marketing and communications staff;
- Volunteers in the sport, fitness and recreation sector;
- Consumer/survivor initiatives and self-help groups;
- Peer supporters;
- Mental health service providers;
- Researchers with an interest in physical activity and mental health;
- Community organizations providing supports or services for people with mental health-related disabilities;
- Anyone who can help them understand barriers and identify solutions!
Do you fit into any of those categories? If so, please take 20 minutes and complete this survey. Your responses are completely anonymous.
Enabling Minds is sponsored by the Accessibility Directorate of Ontario, however responses are encouraged and welcomed from anywhere in Canada.
For further information, please email Mary Catherine Mehak, Enabling Minds Project Coordinator.
Enabling Minds is an initiative of CMHA Ontario in partnership with Parks and Recreation Ontario and YMCA Ontario, sponsored by the Government of Ontario’s EnAbling Change Program.