Are you interested in starting a walking group for older adults living with a mental illness? Join us for a one-hour information webinar on Friday, February 21, 2014, at 11 a.m., to find out how your organization can participate in the Mood Walks project. The webinar is open to mental health service providers, consumer/survivor initiatives, hiking clubs, conservation areas, and other community organizations in Ontario. Mood Walks is an initiative of the Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario, in partnership with Hike Ontario and Conservation Ontario. Funding is provided by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport through the Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund.
The Mood Walks project will provide resources and support for 30 community mental health organizations across Ontario, working in collaboration with local hiking clubs and conservation areas, to launch educational walking groups for older adults (age 50+) to promote both promote physical and mental health. Walking groups will start in spring 2014, and members will have an opportunity to receive free Safe Hiker training from Hike Ontario, visit local trails and conservation areas, and participate in Conservation Ontario’s 2014 Healthy Hikes campaign.
Join us on February 21, 2014 to hear from the project partners — CMHA Ontario, Conservation Ontario and Hike Ontario — and to learn about the resources required, the supports provided, and how to get involved.
A request for proposals to start a Mood Walks group will be available following the webinar.
The webinar is free, but pre-registration is required. For more information and to register, visit the Mood Walks website.