The Canadian Working Group on HIV and Rehabilitation (CWGHR) is leading an initiative to understand and develop a model to effectively address the needs of family/friend caregivers of people living with episodic disability in Ontario. The project is called the Episodic Caregiver Support Initiative (ECSI) and is funded through a one-year Ontario Trillium Foundation development grant. The CWGHR is leading the ECSI, in partnership with the Centre for Families, Work and Well-Being at the University of Guelph; the Ontario Home Care Association; the Ontario Episodic Disability Network; and Health Gateway. The ECSI’s purpose is to develop a model that addresses the needs of the family caregivers and identify policy and practice recommendations to increase awareness of meaningful measures that support such families.
To do this, CWGHR needs to gather as much input as possible from:
- those individuals living with episodic disability
- those family members and/or friends that provide care (family/friend caregivers)
- health care service providers who can speak to their assessment of the needs of persons with episodic disability
The survey can be accessed online through fluidsurvey.
Questions or comments about the initiative or about the survey can be directed to: Melissa Popiel at 416-513-0440 ext 235 or .
Please note:
- The survey will remain open until March 14, 2014
- The estimated time to complete the survey is 15-20 minutes
- Should you wish to complete the survey in more than one sitting, please contact Melissa at Popiel at or 416-513-0440 ext 235
- All responses will be handled in a highly confidential manner