Evidence Exchange Network (EENet) recently launched its first ever blog, EENote, which offers perspectives on mental health and addictions from around the network. There are already a number of engaging posts up. Read about how the moving personal family experiences of an EENet team member have informed her work in the mental health and addictions system. Discover UMIND, a web-based repository for promising practices and evidence-based approaches to children’s mental health. Find out more about how a community of interest blossomed—and how EENet has evolved in recent years.
Drop us a line at EENote today. We’d love to get your perspective on the mental health and addictions system in Ontario. Tell us about the knowledge needs in your area of the province.
And if you have evidence relevant to the Ontario context that you’d like to share – for example, a recent study or report – click here to use our new “share evidence” form. We would love to consider making your knowledge available to our network stakeholders in an easy-to-use format. The “share evidence” form is just one way we’re trying to make the Ontario system more evidence-informed.