Services of The Health Communication Unit (THCU) will be provided through the Ontario Agency of Health Protection and Promotion (OAHPP) as of April 1, 2011. THCU, formerly affiliated with the Dalla Lana School of Public Health and the University of Toronto, is one of several organizations now funded by the OAHPP to provide training and support to health promotion practitioners in Ontario.
The move continues the transfer of several provincial resource centres — the Alcohol Policy Network, the Ontario Injury Prevention Resource Centre, and the Program Training and Consultation Centre, in addition to TCHU — to the OAHPP from the Ministry of Health Promotion and Sport. TCHU is a leader in the area of knowledge exchange and health promotion skills-building and will now draw on the expertise at the OAHPP through increased access to the agency’s scientists, content experts, and other capacities and infrastructure.
For more information about the transition, visit