Registration is now open for a series of free youth life promotion/suicide prevention forums being hosted across the province by the Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health. The forums will bring together stakeholders from across sectors and communities, along with young people and families to discuss community-based approaches to life promotion/suicide prevention, risk management and post-vention. Professionals, youth and family members are welcome to attend. Participants will:
- Learn about evidence-informed approaches to youth life promotion/suicide prevention, risk management and postvention
- Share real-life knowledge about what works (and what doesn’t work) in implementing youth life promotion/suicide prevention, risk management and postvention activities on the ground
- Connect and collaborate across communities and sectors to strengthen collective responses to youth suicide in Ontario
Forums are scheduled for Toronto (Feb. 27), Ottawa (Mar. 4), London (Mar. 11), Sudbury (Mar. 24) and Thunder Bay (Mar.30). An additional forum focused on youth life promotion in First Nation, Inuit and Métis communities is set for March. 31 in Thunder Bay.
You can find more information or register at the Together to Live website. Information about the First Nation, Inuit and Métis forum can be found on the website as well.
Feel free to circulate these links to your colleagues and networks. The events are free, but space is limited. Register now to reserve a spot!