Make a monthly or one-time donation
Whether you choose to make a one-time or monthly gift, your donation of any amount will help to make mental health possible for all – thank you!
Donate by Mail, by Phone or In Person
Please print our donation form. You can reach us at:
Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario Division [map]
180 Dundas St W, Suite 2301, Toronto, ON M5G 1Z8
Phone: 416-977-5580, ext. 4122 (Susan Macartney) or 1-800-875-6213
Fax: 416-977-2813
Our office is open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Tribute Giving
Making an ‘In Honour’ gift to CMHA Ontario is a meaningful way to recognize a special occasion for a friend or family member. You will receive a tax receipt for your gift, and have the option to send a e-card to share the details of your gift.
Making a donation in memory of a loved one is a fitting tribute and a meaningful way to let others know you care about supporting the mental health of our community. Upon your request we will send the bereaved family a letter acknowledging your thoughtful and heartfelt gift.
You may make your gift online or by calling Susan Macartney at 416-977-5580 ext. 4122 between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday.
Corporate Partnerships
A partnership with CMHA Ontario is a fantastic way to demonstrate your commitment to ensuring mental health and addiction support for all Ontarians.
Find out more about our corporate partnerships here.
Bequests and Planned Giving
With a planned gift to CMHA Ontario your gift will have an impact on the mental health of our community well into the future. There are a number of ways to make a legacy gift, including:
- Making gift in your will
- Designating CMHA Ontario as the beneficiary of your RRSP or RRIF
- Making gift through a life insurance policy
- Donating assets such as stocks, bonds or mutual funds
- Making a gift of property
Your lawyer, accountant, or financial planning professional can help you understand the specific implications of donating any of these kinds of assets and help you make your gift.
If you would like to speak to someone at CMHA Ontario about a planned gift, please contact David Alge, Senior Director, Finance and Administration, at 416-977-5580 ext. 4156 or at
For bequest purposes, our legal name is “Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario Division” and our charitable registration number is 10686 3665 RR0001.
For our brokerage account information, please contact Wally Sadowski, RBC Dominion Securities Inc, 2 Bloor Street East, Suite 2300, Toronto ON M4W 1A8. Telephone: 416-974-2979
Make a gift of stocks or securities online
Vehicle Donation
CMHA Ontario is partnered with Donate A Car Canada to accept your vehicle donation! You will be provided free towing, or you can drop off your vehicle to maximize your donation. You can drop off to locations that Donate A Car provides based on the mechanical condition of the vehicle. You will be given instructions for partnering with auction houses or details for recyclers.
When you donate your car, truck, RV, boat, or motorcycle to CMHA Ontario through Donate A Car Canada, it will either be recycled or re-sold (depending on its condition, age and location). Donate A Car Canada will look after all the details to make it easy for CMHA Ontario to benefit. You will receive a tax receipt after your vehicle donation has been processed!
CMHA Ontario values your generous support and we are committed to using your gift wisely and reporting on the results of your investment. For details about our activities and financial statements, see our Annual Reports.
Our legal name is Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario Division and our Canada Revenue Agency charitable registration number is 10686 3665 RR0001.