Through Open Minds, Healthy Minds: Ontario’s Comprehensive Mental Health and Addictions Strategy, the provincial government has made mental health a priority. The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Ontario commends the provincial government for its ongoing investments and continued leadership in the implementation of this strategy, which includes a 10-year commitment to meeting the mental health […]Continue readingCMHA Ontario 2016 Pre-Budget Submission
Social determinants of health
Submission to Long Term Affordable Housing Consultations
Submission in Response to Long-Term Affordable Housing Consultations, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing CMHA Ontario appreciates the opportunity to share our perspective and provide our recommendations to inform the Long-Term Affordable Housing Strategy for Ontario. We held an internal consultation with a group of our stakeholders, including local CMHA Branches: Niagara, Oxford, Champlain East […]Continue readingSubmission to Long Term Affordable Housing Consultations
CMHA Ontario 2015 Pre-Budget Submission
The pre-budget submission from Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario asks the provincial government for appropriate investment in three key areas: Affordable Housing Income Security, Access to Education And Employment Supports Increasing Access to a Core Basket of Services Investments in these key areas align with the strategic pillars of the second phase of Open Minds, […]Continue readingCMHA Ontario 2015 Pre-Budget Submission
Housing and Mental Health
Housing is a basic human right and requirement for good health. According to the United Nations’ Universal Declaration Of Human Rights the right to housing is protected under international law, and Canada has endorsed such rights guaranteeing “an adequate standard of living… including adequate food, clothing and housing.” Likewise, the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion […]Continue readingHousing and Mental Health
Concurrent Disorder Services in Ontario: An Environmental Scan
There are currently no provincial directions on delivering services to people with concurrent disorders, despite the fact that Ontario has focused much attention on integrating the mental health and addictions system. The prevalence and impact of concurrent disorders varies largely by not only substance of use (e.g. alcohol vs. illicit drugs), but also by specific mental […]Continue readingConcurrent Disorder Services in Ontario: An Environmental Scan
Short Report on Supported Employment for People with Mental Health Disabilities
A report prepared by CMHA Ontario for the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care which identifies the value of employment and systemic challenges experienced by people with mental health conditions moving into the workforce. Multiple employment pathways currently available in Ontario are profiled and opportunities for program improvement are identified. (April 2012) Download the full […]Continue readingShort Report on Supported Employment for People with Mental Health Disabilities
Improving Ontario’s Social Assistance System – Response to: “Discussion Paper 2: Approaches for Reform”
A submission from Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario providing feedback to the Commission for the Review of Social Assistance in Ontario on their second discussion paper, Approaches for Reform. (March, 2012) The Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario (CMHA Ontario) is a not for profit provincial organization committed to improving services and support for individuals with mental […]Continue readingImproving Ontario’s Social Assistance System – Response to: “Discussion Paper 2: Approaches for Reform”
Improving Ontario’s Social Assistance System – Response to: “A Discussion Paper: Issues and Ideas”
A joint submission from Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario and Schizophrenia Society of Ontario, in response to “A Discussion Paper: Issues and Ideas”. (August, 2011) Executive Summary Poverty is a reality for persons with mental health disabilities, many of whom rely on Ontario’s social assistance programs, Ontario Works (OW) and Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP). […]Continue readingImproving Ontario’s Social Assistance System – Response to: “A Discussion Paper: Issues and Ideas”
Submission to the Standing Committee on Social Justice
Proposed Amendments to Bill 140. An Act to enact the Housing Services Act, 2010, repeal the Social Housing Reform Act, 2000 and make complementary and other amendments to other Acts. Proposed Amendments to Bill 140 An Act to enact the Housing Services Act, 2010, repeal the Social Housing Reform Act, 2000 and make complementary and […]Continue readingSubmission to the Standing Committee on Social Justice
Improving Employment for People with Mental Illness
Proceedings from CMHA Ontario’s Employment Supports Forum, May 31 and June 1, 2010. Event Summary CMHA Ontario hosted a two-day employment forum on May 31 and June 1, 2010. The forum brought together employment service providers, and Ontario ministries that fund them, to exchange information and identify issues and options that can be acted upon […]Continue readingImproving Employment for People with Mental Illness