The Mood Disorders Association of Ontario (MDAO) is now accepting submissions for the 2010 Touched by Fire art show and sale. The submission deadline is September 17, 2010. Touched by Fire is a program to stimulate and celebrate the work of artists with mood disorders. The show has two components: a live show to be […]Continue readingTouched by Fire call for entries
Six Nations Health Services Release from Custody program
Six Nations Health Services Release from Custody program has recently been added to the Mental Health Service Information Ontario database. The program, focused on First Nations communities and located in Ohsweken, Ontario, provides short-term intensive case management to individuals with mental illness who are being released from correctional custody. The goals of the program are […]Continue readingSix Nations Health Services Release from Custody program
New resource features community-based health equity profiles (USA)
The Prevention Institute, a US-based health promotion organization, has launched a new resource called Communities Taking Action: Profiles of Health Equity. The interactive resource features an easy-to-use online map with profiles of 62 American community-based initiatives that promote health equity. The profiles offer models of community-, institutional-, governance- and policy-level interventions that can play a role […]Continue readingNew resource features community-based health equity profiles (USA)
Videoconference workshop on FASD
The Southern Networks of Specialized Care and the Regional Support Associates are holding a videoconference workshop on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) on August 13, 2010 from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Dr. Karen Baker will discuss issues relating to cognitive implications of FASD, physical and behavioural characteristics, secondary disabilities and how to support individuals […]Continue readingVideoconference workshop on FASD
Ontario Social Assistance Review report released
The report of the Ontario Social Assistance Review Advisory Council (SARAC), a committee appointed in December 2009 by the Ministry of Community and Social Services, was recently released. SARAC’s task was twofold: to develop a report outlining the scope and nature of a social assistance review and to provide a list of short-term fixes in […]Continue readingOntario Social Assistance Review report released
Excellent Care for All Act passed
The Ontario legislature has passed the Excellent Care for All Act, 2010. Upon royal assent, the act will help make health care providers and executives more accountable for improving patient care. The legislation will require all health care organizations, starting with hospitals, to: Develop quality improvement plans annually, and make them public Create quality committees […]Continue readingExcellent Care for All Act passed
Systems Enhancement Evaluation Initiative releases Impact Study final report
The final report on SEEI’s Impact Study, now available, presents several key findings on the use of hospital emergency departments (EDs) by people experiencing a mental health crisis; crisis programs and their connection to supporting services; and contacts between police and people experiencing a mental health crisis. Between 2002 and 2007, the same period over […]Continue readingSystems Enhancement Evaluation Initiative releases Impact Study final report
Diabetes and mental health peer-support project
Helping people with diabetes to manage their own illness and improve their health plays a key role in the prevention and management of this chronic disease. The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Ontario, the Ontario Peer Development Initiative (OPDI) and the Provincial Consumer/Survivor LHIN Leads Network (PCSLL) have launched a two-year project to provide diabetes […]Continue readingDiabetes and mental health peer-support project
Exercise therapy for schizophrenia
New evidence is contributing to the recognition that exercise can have mental health benefits for people with serious mental illness, according to a recent scientific review published by the Cochrane Collaboration. The review, “Exercise Therapy for Schizophrenia” by Paul Gorczynsky and Guy Faulkner from the University of Toronto, looked at three recent randomized controlled trials […]Continue readingExercise therapy for schizophrenia
CIHI study finds depression in 44 percent of seniors in residential care facilities
A new study on depression among seniors living in residential care has been released by the Canadian Institute for Health Information. The study is based on a sample of nearly 50,000 seniors from 550 residential care facilities (or long-term care, nursing or personal care homes) in Nova Scotia, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and the Yukon. This […]Continue readingCIHI study finds depression in 44 percent of seniors in residential care facilities