The OMHAKEN Coordinating Centre would like to thank all those who participated in the Creating Together: Developing a Mental Health and Addictions Research Agenda for Ontario online survey, as well as the in-person and Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN) consultations that took place across the province. The online survey closed with an overwhelming 1431 responses from […]Continue readingCreating Together update
CMHA National announces new CEO
Canadian Mental Health Association, National Office Board Chair David Copus recently announced the appointment of Peter Coleridge as the new CMHA National chief executive officer (CEO) effective December 1, 2010. In making the announcement Mr. Copus said: “I am delighted that Peter is joining CMHA. He brings a very distinguished career to this position, with […]Continue readingCMHA National announces new CEO
Ontario physicians positive about use of electronic medical records
In 2008, OntarioMD and eHealth Ontario commissioned an independent evaluation of physicians who were participating in the Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Adoption Program. Recently released 2010 results for the ongoing survey showed that the majority of physicians that completed the survey reported that EMRs enable them to improve patient care outcomes. In general, physicians reported […]Continue readingOntario physicians positive about use of electronic medical records
CMHA National website user survey
Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), National Office is looking for user feedback on its current website as part of efforts to update the site. The website serves a broad range of internal and external user groups who are encouraged to complete a short online survey (about five minutes to complete) concerning how the website is […]Continue readingCMHA National website user survey
OAHPP Health in All Policies roundtable presentations available online
Presentations about “health in all policies” (HiAP) — an innovative approach to policy-making that integrates health promotion, equity and sustainability in all policy areas — are now available online. The presentations were part of a September 2010 Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion (OAHPP) roundtable event designed to increase awareness of HiAP. The session […]Continue readingOAHPP Health in All Policies roundtable presentations available online
Northern Ontario First Nations’ diabetes education initiative launched
DiabeTEXTs, a new joint initiative of the Kuhkenah Network (K-NET) and Keewaytinook Okimakanak (KO) Health, provides diabetes education and information to interested community members through SMS texting and other electronic mediums. K-Net is a program of KO, a First Nations tribal council established by the leaderships of Deer Lake, Fort Severn, Keewaywin, McDowell Lake, North […]Continue readingNorthern Ontario First Nations’ diabetes education initiative launched
Creating Together releases French version of online survey
The Creating Together: Developing a Mental Health and Addictions Research Agenda for Ontario project has released a French language version of its current online survey. Creating Together is an OMHAKEN-initiated, province-wide process to jointly develop a research agenda for mental health and addictions in Ontario. The English version of the survey has been open for […]Continue readingCreating Together releases French version of online survey
CMHA Ontario employment forum identifies opportunities for action
In the spring of 2010, Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Ontario hosted an employment forum to bring together employment supports providers in Ontario and the government ministries that fund them. The forum resulted in the creation of four graphics showing the pathways to employment for people with mental health disabilities. Attendees also engaged in a […]Continue readingCMHA Ontario employment forum identifies opportunities for action
Health equity and social determinants of health conference call for abstracts
Abstracts are being accepted for oral and poster presentations for Ryerson University’s “Promoting Health Equity: Action on the Social Determinants of Health” conference, being held February 11-12, 2011 in Toronto. The goal of the conference is to promote health equity by taking action on the social determinants of health in the areas of: children’s rights; […]Continue readingHealth equity and social determinants of health conference call for abstracts
Aboriginal women’s mental health policy brief released
A new brief describing the key recommendations of the report “Kiskâyitamawin Miyo-Mamitonecikan: Urban Aboriginal Women and Mental Health,” has been produced by the Prairie Womens’ Health Centre of Excellence. The report’s four key recommendations are: to examine how cultural (relationships) and structural (policy) level changes can be made to serve and support the mental health […]Continue readingAboriginal women’s mental health policy brief released