Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), National Office is looking for user feedback on its current website as part of efforts to update the site. The website serves a broad range of internal and external user groups who are encouraged to complete a short online survey (about five minutes to complete) concerning how the website is […]Continue readingCMHA National website user survey
OAHPP Health in All Policies roundtable presentations available online
Presentations about “health in all policies” (HiAP) — an innovative approach to policy-making that integrates health promotion, equity and sustainability in all policy areas — are now available online. The presentations were part of a September 2010 Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion (OAHPP) roundtable event designed to increase awareness of HiAP. The session […]Continue readingOAHPP Health in All Policies roundtable presentations available online
Northern Ontario First Nations’ diabetes education initiative launched
DiabeTEXTs, a new joint initiative of the Kuhkenah Network (K-NET) and Keewaytinook Okimakanak (KO) Health, provides diabetes education and information to interested community members through SMS texting and other electronic mediums. K-Net is a program of KO, a First Nations tribal council established by the leaderships of Deer Lake, Fort Severn, Keewaywin, McDowell Lake, North […]Continue readingNorthern Ontario First Nations’ diabetes education initiative launched
Aboriginal women’s mental health policy brief released
A new brief describing the key recommendations of the report “Kiskâyitamawin Miyo-Mamitonecikan: Urban Aboriginal Women and Mental Health,” has been produced by the Prairie Womens’ Health Centre of Excellence. The report’s four key recommendations are: to examine how cultural (relationships) and structural (policy) level changes can be made to serve and support the mental health […]Continue readingAboriginal women’s mental health policy brief released releases technology awareness poster series for professionals is a website containing information, resources and tools to help youth and young adults manage stress, crises and mental health problems. Recently, the mindyourmind Youth Street Team developed a series of posters for service providers to display in an effort to encourage professionals’ and educators’ that work with youth to use innovative and web-based social […]Continue releases technology awareness poster series for professionals
EnHANCE Ontario education materials and summary reports now available
The Enabling Collaboration in Primary and Mental Health Care and Addictions through Interprofessional Care and Education (EnHANCE) project has released educational materials and summary reports following the conclusion of the project. EnHANCE is a multi-partner initiative focusing on the development of inter-organizational partnerships and enhancing capacity for the delivery of collaborative and interprofessional care across […]Continue readingEnHANCE Ontario education materials and summary reports now available
SAMI Training Program call for fellowship applications
The Social Aetiology of Mental Illness (SAMI) Training Program has announced its first call for fellowship applications. SAMI is a centre of excellence for the study of the social determinants of mental illness and addictions based at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and the University of Toronto, and includes international partners from around […]Continue readingSAMI Training Program call for fellowship applications
Health Care Options website relaunched
The Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care has re-launched a website designed to help people know more about the health care options they have in their communities. The redeveloped Health Care Options website includes tools such as: an online registry for Health Care Connect, a referral service that matches people with doctors; a searchable […]Continue readingHealth Care Options website relaunched
Best Start Resource Centre call for on-site consultation requests
The Best Start Resource Centre (BSRC) supports service providers in Ontario to implement effective health promotion programs for expectant and new parents, newborns and young children. BSRC provides information and consultations in English and French to service providers on a wide range of topics, including health before pregnancy, pregnancy (e.g., prenatal education, teen pregnancy/parenting), maternal […]Continue readingBest Start Resource Centre call for on-site consultation requests
Creating Together releases French version of online survey
The Creating Together: Developing a Mental Health and Addictions Research Agenda for Ontario project has released a French language version of its current online survey. Creating Together is an OMHAKEN-initiated, province-wide process to jointly develop a research agenda for mental health and addictions in Ontario. The English version of the survey has been open for […]Continue readingCreating Together releases French version of online survey